
October 28, 2020

Oregon POLST® Program News
The Oregon POLST Registry Launches
Its New Data Platform
The Oregon POLST Registry (OPR) successfully completed the launch of its new and upgraded data platform after more than a year in its design and logistical development. Abby Dotson, PhD - Director of OPR coordinated this seamless launch last weekend.

Recognizing that the operating platform was more than 10 years old, the OHSU Center for Ethics in Health Care and the Oregon Health Authority in a 50/50 public/private partnership contracted Beyond Lucid Technology to create a new and more efficient platform for the Registry.

With funding from private philanthropy, the Center for Ethics invested in the platform redesign with the goal of accessing more detailed data to enhance the quality assurance efforts of the Oregon POLST Program. Look for new features of the new OPR platform in future newsletters or go to the OPR website at

As the first of its kind in the nation, the Oregon POLST Registry began service as the statewide repository of POLST forms for the people of Oregon on December 3, 2009. The OHSU Department of Emergency Medicine operates the Oregon POLST Registry under contract from the Oregon Health Authority.
The newest addition to our Portfolio of Patient Stories speaks to the health surrogate, who supports and advocates for a person with an intellectual disabilities.

In this story, we read an intimate account of the personal commitment a surrogate has made, based upon years of knowing her brother, by helping him to convey his end of life care wishes in his POLST. When confronted by a health care professional who questions those choices, the surrogate demonstrates her continued dedication by standing up for her brother's wishes.

This story empowers surrogates to stand up for the end of life decisions that have been lovingly made.
Ted Ruback - Thank You for Your Role on the Coalition

Ted Ruback has been involved in Oregon POLST for many years, beginning when the Coalition was known as the Oregon POLST Task Force.

In 2007, primarily due to Ted’s effective advocacy and with full support of the Oregon POLST Task Force, the Oregon Medical Board adopted rule changes that added PAs to the list of health care providers as authorized signers of POLST forms. Oregon was the first state to authorize PAs to sign POLST forms. At least 31 other states have followed Oregon’s lead and have authorized PAs to sign POLST forms in their states.

As the representative for the Oregon Society of PAs (OSPA), Ted has served not only as a voting Coalition member, but as a member of the Education Committee. Julie Bernstein will move from her alternate voting member role to be the OSPA representative on the Coalition. Thank you for your years of service, Ted!
The Oregon POLST Program wishes you and those you serve to remain well & safe during these challenging times.
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Anthony Antoville, BFA, CMC
Executive Director, Oregon POLST Program
OHSU - Center for Ethics in Health Care
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, UHN-86
Portland, OR 97239
Copyright © 2020 OHSU Center for Ethics & Oregon POLST Coalition. All rights reserved.

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